A Glock Talks | Be Smart and the Lord Will Protect Us | Progress on "My Plan"

Hi everyone!

Question: What’s new in the life of Elder Doxey of Las Vegas?
Elder Doxey: I seriously think I could have died yesterday. I think our area is pretty nice, but today I learned it is not as nice as I thought.

Get this … Elder Martinez and I were doing some street contacting, because we are allowed to be outside walking around and talking to anyone that will talk to us. Apparently parts of our area are  pretty ghetto. At about 4-5pm in the afternoon we walked up to this dude who was washing his car and started talking to him.

As we were talking to him, we see a few other guys coming out and surrounding us. One of them had a Glock in his belt and made sure we saw it. We quickly wrapped up that conversation (sharing Lesson 1 and leaving a pamphlet) and started to leave. As we did this, we noticed a few of them get into a green Nissan with all the paint faded, and super smoky/foggy inside.

We heard music coming from a nearby house, so we walked in that direction b/c we knew there would be people there. As we did this, a guy yelled out “Hey Mormons!” and as I was walking fast in the other direction, Elder Martinez turned around to go answer them. I quickly went back and told Elder Martinez we’re not going back there and to follow me (walking quickly).

As we were walking, we notice the green Nissan following us. Well, I’m seeing the end of the street ahead of us so we cut through a yard and headed for the next street, even though our 2021 Tacoma was about 100 yards away. We get over there, and the same green Nissan is following us closer, and slowly, but now there are two guys out of the car, and following us.

The truck

At this point I’m thinking they are either going to rob us, or they are going to steal the 2021 Tacoma. I told Elder Martinez to call Elder Smith and tell him we are in danger and to stay on the phone if something happens. Once we had Elder Smith on the phone, and we’re talking to him really loud on speaker, we started walking really fast back to the truck. 

I mentioned to Elder Martinez to be smart and the Lord would protect us. He did! We got in that truck and I floored it out of there. Elder Martinez (who is normally super chill and savvy with rifles, guns) was freaked out that we were being stalked, and basically followed until we were out of the area.

Question: Any else out of the ordinary in your area?
Elder Doxey: Well, I can report that we have some pretty sketch street dancers in this area. I don’t know what species they are—seriously. Let’s just say what amount of clothes they wear look like old show girl costumes with pink sparkles.

Whoever drives by them gets a full dance in hopes of getting tips . They just dance as hard as they can doing whatever seems to get the people driving by happy. Sketchy. One Elder we were with in this area literally did the worst thing possible—he gave them a $5 bill! I told him you better at least also give a Book of Mormon so he went back and did, so there’s that.

Question: How are things going with the My Plan Program?

Elder Doxey: With the “My Plan” program, there are 6 Steps I have to complete before I’m done with it. Once I am done, a copy goes to the mission president, another to Bishop Walker, and another to President Jackson. There is a whole goal setting section, a detailed list of things to think of as I prep to go to college, be married one day, decide now what the qualities are of someone I would marry, etc.

Honestly, I can see how this would be super helpful for someone with no support, no plans, no resources, no connections coming home from their mission. I’m definitely not all that though—I have tons of resources, tons of support, tons of connections and plans. It’s good to think through it though, because I’m reminded what I have that others don’t.

Question: How have your teaching efforts been this week?
Elder Doxey: Teaching wise, we met a new person to teach this week, had two investigators in church, and my zone is interesting. It is good to see the new APs working hard and figuring it out (Elder Sanabria and Elder Kellogg are both new to it).

We have recently been reminded by President Reese that we should never be “hanging out” at the church buildings just because they are there (playing the pianos all the time, leaving garbage around, moving things around and not putting them back). Apparently there have been some issues so they needed to remind all of us of that.

We’re also doing some new things with Facebook and social media—we’re actually trying new things all the time. It’s interesting—lately we called about 180 people who live in our area just to introduce ourselves and ended up with about 15 who wanted to know more. So, that’s good. We’re basically always busy. We have 80 people in our Spanish Ward, and six missionaries assigned to that ward. 

Love you all, 

Elder Doxey
