25 Departing & 24 Incoming Missionaries | Lots of Training

Hi all,

Hello from Las Vegas!

Question: How did transfers go last week?
Elder Doxey: It was busy. On Monday we sent 25 missionaries who had completed their mission) home. We had a dinner the night before. President Reese bought a lot of meat and cooked it on his Traeger grill. Sister Reese was not there because she had to be with a grand baby that was born.
This time there were a lot of sister missionaries going home. The sisters all stay at a member's home before they leave. So bright and early, at 7:30 am I took them to the airport…just me and 12 sisters in the mission 12 passenger van.

McCarran Airport

While at the airport, I picked up 24 new missionaries. We then train them from 10:30 am to 4 pm at a church. My comp and I are in charge of everything … coordinating it, making companionship assignments, making sure all are trained—it is a lot of work. I always drive the big 12 passenger van, while my comp drives a separate car to pick up the missionaries. The Senior missionary couple drives a different car.

Question: What did you train them on?
Elder Doxey: The training was about everything. My comp any I train them on mission culture, and what is proper use of their cell phones. The Senior couple talks about rules with cars, hygiene, how to keep a house clean. President Reese trains them on their mission focus, the work, and more. Get this... President Reese trusts me so much with my phone that he asked me to get Instagram on my phone—which is probably good because I have not ever really used Instagram.

Question: What car does the rental agency have you in this week?
Elder Doxey: I’m still in the 2020 Ford Explorer Limited. Heated and cooled seats, all the good stuff. The couple we live with (the Smiths) has their own airplane and fly wherever they want yet they are so nice to missionaries!  

Gotta go.

Love Elder Doxey
