Connor Baptized | Translated for Elder & Sister Uceda | Service Project @ Camp Stimpson | Busier with President Reese

Hi all,

Question: How have the lessons been going with that young man named Connor? 
Elder Doxey: Connor was baptized! The Sisters (Black and Johnson) helped teach him, and we are all working with the family to be reactivated. 

Connor’s family is coming back into the church after being out for awhile. Connor is 13 and actually knows the Bible really well because he has been going to a Christian school. He is a great young man!

Elder Doxey: Hey, what mission did John get called to?
Family: Peru, Piura! It is in the Northwest corner of Peru. Its borders Ecuador to the north, the South Pacific to the west, the Andes/Brazil to the east, and other Peruvian missions to the south. He is super excited, and will start home MTC on October 7, 2020.

He will leave out the front door and come in the back door. Taylor Ross starts the same day—maybe we’ll get Cyler Pitts and Taylor to our home MTC. We are going to make home MTC super legit. We are going full Spanish immersion. Liza and Caroline will just have to keep up with the French they have.

Elder Doxey: How are Liza and Caroline doing with soccer? They both seem really focused. Just tell them the best I ever played was when I was having fun. They are both better than I was. How are they doing?
Family: Really well! Caroline’s club team is actually pretty good, and she plays an important role on the team. Caroline is getting really tall. Liza plays on the JV and Varsity teams at Timpview and is loving it. The Senior girls are so nice to her. They are both working really hard at soccer (and lawn mowing, and school) right now. Liza reminded me of you recently -- she went to Sertoma this morning at 8am to practice and is now leaving to practice at Timpview for the next two hours.

Question: What is the best thing you did to learn Spanish, and Dule Gaya?
Elder Doxey: The best thing for me was to pray for the gift and interpretations of tongues, to read the Book of Mormon out loud everyday (in addition to normal study) and to listen, listen, listen (to movies before the mission, to how people speak and why). Hopefully both John and Taylor get assigned to West Las Vegas!

Question: What else is new in Las Vegas?
Elder Doxey: Went on exchanges with Elder Weir; he is really chill and from Colorado. He is a great Elder.

Question: What is something new you have you learned lately?
Elder Doxey: Well, recently Elder Uceda (a General Authority) and his wife did a training for the whole mission on a ZOOM call (the Ucedas were physically in Orem).
What made it really unique is that President Reese asked me to translate their native Spanish into English so the whole mission could understand. So, I translated for FOUR HOURS,

mostly for Sister Uceda. Both gave great talks—lots to learn in doing that. I hope it translated well enough that everyone understood.

Question: How has your Zone been doing with service projects, teaching and more?
Elder Doxey: We have been super busy, in all the normal ways, serving teaching, re-teaching, following up, inviting, training, etc. This past week we got permission to do a big Zone service project up at the Church’s “Camp Stimpson”, which is a crazy nice girl’s camp.

As a Zone, we chopped A TON of wood and stacked it, cleaned up many areas of the camp, fixed camp areas, and more.
It was a bit of a hike getting into certain parts of the camp, so we cleaned up trails as we hiked—many hands make light work. The camp looked better after we were done.

Question: How is your area, companion, your Zone and the work overall?
Elder Doxey: Well for today only our P-Day was changed from Monday because we had transfers yesterday. Elder Sanabria was a great, great companion. I have a new companion named Elder Wilson. He is from Utah. 

Elders Doxey and Wilson

We have been comps for about 5 hours, and I am in Palo Verde. We live with a Senior Missionary couple in a very nice house.

President Reese also asked me to be one of the two Assistants to the President (APs). This is super humbling for me. There are a ton of good missionaries in this mission, yet there is a lot to train on. We are super, super busy right now and will likely be busy until I am released in February. This is the text fri the email he sent me about it:

Aug 25, 2020

Dear Elder Nathan Call Doxey,

I am pleased to confirm the assignment you have received to serve as Assistant to the President. Elder Joshua Wilson will be your companion and you will work in the Red Desert Zone.

Through willing obedience and hard work, you have demonstrated trustworthiness and faithfulness. You will now have an opportunity to influence and assist other missionaries to serve more effectively and with more diligence.

It is important to lead with love, kindness, and understanding. You must be exemplary in keeping mission rules and standards with exactness.

This assignment comes to you through the inspiration of the Lord. As you prayerfully plan to train and assist zone leaders and other missionaries, you will be directed and assisted in the discharge of your duties.

I express my love and confidence as you accept this additional responsibility. May our Heavenly Father bless you as you continue to serve in your assigned proselyting area and in this leadership role.


Curtis D. Reese
Mission President, Nevada Las Vegas West Mission

Question: What are you most busy with as an AP?
Elder Doxey: I am sure I will be doing a lot of training, and working with all the Zones. Keeping up with President Reese and his needs is important too. I have a lot less time, for sure. No down time. For example, we just took four missionaries to the airport who had finished their missions (I’m texting you this from the back seat of the car). The four that completed their missions finished strong. Then, President and Sister Reese, my comp Elder Wilson and I waited for new missionaries’ flight to land.
On the way home, President Reese took us to a really nice donut shop. APs have a meeting every day, and set very high goals (I have not talked with my comp about those goals yet, but I’m sure I will soon). We have 250 missionaries in the mission right now, so that keeps us busy.  

By the way, I see Elder Headworth all the time. He is the Elder that was transferred to this mission from the Bahia Blanca Argentina mission (where Aunt Kathy and Uncle Rob Hymas are mission presidents).  He is a great Elder!

Gotta go. Lots of love,

Elder Doxey
