Hello from the Las Vegas West Mission!

Our Foursome
Hi Family!

Hello from the Las Vegas West Mission! I have been here now for about two weeks, doing Covid-19 style missionary work, and things are going well.

How are things?

For the past 10 days I have been in a foursome companionship in our apartment. Until today, my companion had been Elder Vergada, who is originally from Mexico, but went to Timpview and graduated my same year. We have been in the Lone Mountain ward and “Pa-something” Spanish branch (of course we have not been meeting because of Covid-19 or I would know that). One of four Elders was Elder Haws, who is a super good, new missionary—he just finished his “home MTC” experience, so it was really good to help train him on things.
Really Nice Parks

What are you up to today?
Today we had changes and I have a new companion, new area and new responsibility. My new companion is Elder Nick Sanabria, who is originally from Colombia but most recently from Utah County. He was on my Club Soccer Team my senior year with Coach Ryan, who passed away. Great guy. We should not have any trouble being obedient and diligent, so that is really good. He is a great missionary.
New Home of The Raiders

Where are you serving?
We have been assigned to the Lone Meadows Zone, and I’m a Zone Leader again. It will be different not having to travel by Cayuco or Panga boat around the zone. Ha Ha. This zone goes all the way up to Panaca, and feels like we are about 3 hours Northwest of the Strip.
Viva Las Vegas
It feels good to be a Zone Leader again for different reasons than normal. I have a lot of experience as a missionary, and there are many missionaries here who are brand new and are hungry to learn. I’m grateful President Reese sees this and trusts me.

There was even a formal nice note sent to me by President Reese:

"Dear Elder Nathan Call Doxey,

I am pleased to confirm the assignment you have received to serve as a zone leader in the Lone Meadows. Elder Carlos Nicolas Sanabria Garcia will be your companion.

Through willing obedience and hard work, you have demonstrated trustworthiness and faithfulness. You will now have an opportunity to influence and assist other missionaries to serve more effectively and with more diligence.

It is important to lead with love, kindness, and understanding. You must be exemplary in keeping mission rules and standards with exactness.

This assignment comes to you through the inspiration of the Lord. As you prayerfully plan to train and assist district leaders and other missionaries, you will be directed and assisted in the discharge of your duties. I express my love and confidence as you accept this additional responsibility. May our Heavenly Father bless you as you continue to serve in your assigned proselyting area and in this leadership role.


Curtis D. Reese
Mission President, Nevada Las Vegas West Mission

Are you eating healthy food?
The church members here feed us very, very well. We have a whole fridge and freezer of food. One member (hunters of course) made us Elk burgers and Deer sausage, so that was unique. Another Latino family learned I had served in Panama so they made us Patacones, which was special.
Panamanian Patacones

Elder Haws and I Present in the Park 

What do you know about your new zone?
I’m driving a car as a missionary for the first time. It’s different to drive as a missionary. Our car is a 2020 Toyota Rav4, without all the options, but there is no speed governor on it like the rest of the mission cars. Because so many missionaries came into the mission all at once from other countries, the Church rented a bunch of these (b/c we could be sent back to our countries at some point). Most of the cars in the mission are less than 3 years old.

Have you been teaching anyone new?
We have been teaching church members, past investigators, part-member families. We speak a ton of English, and Spanish as needed.

Where do you live?
We live in a church member’s empty 2nd home. It is really nice. It is next to some nice parks where we can meet people, it has a 3 car garage a pool, probably 5 bedrooms and it is just Elder Sanabria and I here. For P-day, we are allowed to go to the church building gym with all in our zone that can come to get some exercise, so that is nice.  Gotta go.

Much love,

Elder Doxey
