Transfer to Ukupseni Island (Playon Chico)!

Hola Familia!

This week I was transferred from Irgandi to nearby Ukupseni Island (aka Playon Chico), which is about a 45 minute boat ride from Irgandi.

I’ve been here five nights. I am living in the exact same hut that Ben Call built when he was here. My companion is Elder Moss from Texas. He has been out a year, so we should crank.
Fabiano Perez, the newest member in Irgandi.  I will miss this guy!

I know him pretty well already, because we have worked together before. I’ve been to Playon Chico 5 times before this transfer here. Elder Moss is a great Elder and speaks Dule Gaya pretty well. His companion (Elder Garcia from Colombia) replaced me in Irgandi, and I replaced him here.
Rafael in Irgandi, Our Most Promising Candidate for Branch President

I will miss Irgandi a lot…I love that place! I will still go on divisions with the Elders in Irgandi, and with Christian so that’s good. I want to help Rafael be the branch president there someday. He was making good progress toward being a leader there. I am excited to be here on Playon Chico though.
Happy Thanksgiving from Irgandi Island! What a Blessing to Have That Bird!

Do you have any leadership there in the branch?
We have a branch president, and a seminary teacher. So, that is a lot more than we had in Irgandi. This should give us more time to do actual missionary work, rather than put so much effort into leading the branch. In the branch building, we have bathrooms, and they have toilet paper, water from a faucet, and a light! They have everything in that branch!
My Typical Study Setup ... The Book of Mormon in My Three Languages

Any Spanish speakers? Or, do they also all speak Dule Gaya like they did on Irgandi?
It’s about 50% Spanish and 50% Dule Gaya. On Irgandi and Ukupa it was 80% Dule Gaya and 20% Spanish. Most people here speak Spanish and Dule Gaya, so it should be easier to communicate.

What is the Playon Chico branch, and island like?
Playon Chico is a bigger island than Irgandi, but not as many people go to church here. It is much, much more tourist oriented. There is even WIFI in certain areas, ice cream and the people are more civilized. They use toilet paper here rather than ocean water and leaves. Even though there are bathrooms in the branch, we still go in the ocean on that school chair with a nice hole cut out of the seat. “The splash” is a lot cleaner and fresco!
Our Latrine Has a Splash Delay Feature..."Muy Fresco"

There are even some homes that are made of brick rather than bamboo sticks only. Playon Chico is a very civilized island. There are a lot of new members here to keep teaching and visiting. I think it will be harder to teach people here than in Irgandi, because there is so much more going on, there are lots our tourists, and about 5 other churches (Evangelical, Baptist, Catholic and others—we try to not focus on them).
San Blas Style

In Irgandi we were the only church and had the only monitor on the island, and only satellite connection. Here almost everyone has a smartphone that can connect to WIFI...lots of distractions! People are working in many different ways instead of just hunting and gathering in the hills all the time.

On Irgandi and Ukupa islands you know every single person after about two weeks because both areas are so small. But, here I don’t think it is even possible to know every single person in the time I’m here. So, it’s pretty different here, a lot like Panama City was.

Where do they get their water on Playon Chico? I think they get the water from the rivers. In the branch, somehow they have it come out of a faucet. In my hut, I still have to bathe with a 5 gallon bucket because the church is pretty for away. So, you live in the hut Ben Call built.
Rafael's Place...Lots of Visits to This Good Church Member's Hut

Is your roof made of grass and palm fronds?
Yes. We are not rich.

I’m sure you already know this, (don't let this go to your head) but I would have loved to have you in my zone. You are one of the good ones for sure. You get it. You sound like you are doing great...I'll bet Pte. loves how adaptable, hard working, easily entreated / not entitled you are.
Por cierto.

Elder Doxey: How is the family?
Dan: Doing great. We are trying really hard to get ready for Christmas season.
Ukupseni from the Air (Google Images)

Elder Doxey: How is mom?
Dan: She just left to run carpool to Centennial. She wishes her schedule was a bit more flexible to just talk to you like this, but she is juggling a ton, as always. Mom is excited for ski season to tell you the truth ... mostly b/c it means people can't call her and all the family can be together.

Elder Doxey: How is John doing?
Dan: John is doing great...plowing through his Senior year. His college English class is tough, but he is plowing through it. Student Gov keeps him super busy. He is starting the process of getting “out of football shape” and into “lifelong fitness shape” … big difference.

Note: Someone on YouTube got some decent video of a small plane landing near Ukupseni, and the area. Elder Doxey arrived by boat, not a plane. Check it out!

Elder Doxey: How are Liza and Caroline? The girls are starting futsal soon, and are super excited for skiing. I think this will be the year that mom and I really get left in the dust by them.

Julia: I’m back! I think I'll have Hillary Ross come ski with me. She has a pass this year and she says she is a beginner. I did go down Bishops a few times last year and it's not hard....I just go slow.

Elder Doxey: FULL SEND OR NO SEND MOM! Dad, you should take it easy.
Julia: We will take lots of pics and send em to you. I'l totally do a FULL SEND for you, but it will be a lot slower than you'd like. Hey, Caroline has a temple prep class this Sunday. In January she can go to the temple to do baptisms. CRAZY!

Ciao. Les quiero mucho.

Elder Doxey
