Fabiano Perez Baptized | Record Branch Attendance in Irgandi | Mission Exp in Costa Rica?

Hola Familia,

The Miracle of Fabiano Perez & His Baptism

I just finished talking to John; it was so good to talk to him! I think this satellite connection works better if I call everyone separately...the connection maxes out and dies easily if I have a lot of people on here.
Our connection to the outside world...satellite connected to 6 car batteries

It has been a tiring week, and super, super hot here. It literally was 90 degrees all night long last night. My skin is tanned brown now.
Pres. y Hna, Garrett with the bag Hillary Roney brought down to the wedding

That is awesome about the red duffle bag you sent with Hillary Roney! President Garrett was so surprised Hillary Roney brought it for me! I can't wait to get it! (Note: The Garrett's daughter is getting married to Hillary Roney's brother-in-law in the Panama Temple, so she brought a huge bag of Christmas packages down for a few Elders in San Blas -- very kind of her!).

The Miracle of Fabiano Perez on Ukupa Island
Remember the miracle of Fabiano Perez in Ukupa? (Fabian is a 15 year old boy that had been coming to the branch for a long time. All of his family is from Ukupa. He is the boy who had been paying tithing, and earlier this month came to meet with the Branch President on Ukupa for tithing settlement. It was then that the Branch President learned he had never been baptized!) So, Elder Yapias and I have been working with him and teaching him.
Our Baptismal Font...the river between Irgandi and Ukupa

Earlier this week we went to check on him, and hopefully baptize him. So, we packed up a some tortillas, tuna and our hammocks and hiked an hour and a half (literally through the river and through the woods) and across the huge bridge to get to Ukupa Island.

Since the hut where we normally stay is really not even much of a hut anymore (there are huge holes in the ceiling, missing sticks in the wall), we decided to sleep in the branch building so we could get a good nights rest.
Some roofs are better than others in the rain

We put up our hammocks there, and settled in for the night. We didn't get much sleep though, because the rats kept us up gnawing on everything. The next morning we set out to find Fabian, and to see if he was ready to be baptized. We found him, wrapped up the final details of baptism prep, and he said he was ready!
Hammock Sweet Hammock

We went and asked the Ukupa Island Branch secretary to be a witness, and we all set out to hike back to the river we crossed to baptism him there. Elder Yapias baptized him, I confirmed him on the edge of the river, and the Branch Secretary and I were witnesses. The Spirit was very strong. Unforgettable experience. Very special for us, and for Fabian.

New Attendance Record in Irgandi Branch This week we had more people in our Irgandi Branch than ever before...63 people! There were 9 women there, 6 men, us Elders and many jovens and little kids. This same week we also went to the Ukupa Branch where we had 27 people there.
Some of the locals in Irgandi

We think one of the reasons we had such higher numbers is b/c we've been working hard to get dads to come to church, and because we made 20 pounds of rice with ketchup (6 bottles of ketchup) for what you might call a branch social.

Christian...the Superstar of Irgandi

Hey, want to talk to Christian? He does not speak much Spanish, so say a few Dule Gaya words to him...he'll love it. (Elder Doxey then turned his camera to Christian, and we spoke a mix of Spanish and a few Dule Gaya words we know) and Christian smiled.

Christian comes from a family of eight people. His dad was a Branch President previously, but had to leave Irgandi because he did something he should not have done (basically got kicked off the island by the Sila Chiefs). Christian is like the man of the house. Awesome 16 year old kid. For the holidays Christian gets to go to Panama City for about a month. He will stay with friends and family/cousins there, so he is excited.

You asked about my health. I have no sign of being sick. We feel great. Every morning we try to do stretches, tricep workouts with a chair, stretch bands and pushups.

Mission Experiences in Costa Rica
Hey, in your next letter dad, will you send me some stories and pictures of missionary experiences in Costa Rica? Last, rumor has it around the holidays we are going to have a huge meal with three turkeys and about 200 pounds of rice. We are excited for that meal for sure!

Gotta go. Much love.

Elder Doxey
