Two Gringos Now...Elders Doxey & Hansen

This week was great like usual. Honestly it kinda felt like two weeks. Last Monday was cambios.

So, I went with Elder Avila to Bella Vista to meet his companion.
Bella Vista, Panama (Google Images)
I spent about two days with them and holy cow! Elder Hanks here in my District was a ZL for a long time. He could have been an AP but he’s got 24 days left. I literally learned so much from him, and to think I am his District Leader right now. Man, how did I not realize how much experience he has—what a great Elder.

On Wednesday I got my new companion to train, Elder Hansen from Syracuse, Utah. He has been here ONE WEEK and is WAY cool. For a week in Panama he literally speaks SO well. He’s teaching me new words all the time. He kind of reminds me of little bro John … way funny. He says funny stuff all the time like when we get home at night he’ll say, “Why do i have a puddle on my shirt?” Or, “I think I’m going to have calluses on my feet or the next two years!” Hahaha

We ate at Smash Burger.  I didn’t even know that was a thing here.
La Cabima Centro (Google Images)
So right now i have two areas. La Cabima and Alcalde Diaz. It’s honestly pretty difficult to stay on top of everything with two huge areas training and being the District Leader. But, it’s all good. I’m learning fast.
Alcalde Diaz, Panama (Google Images)
Right now we have lots of positive people. One guy’s name is Ismael. Solid. He is a dad of a family. They are all members except him because he and his wife have not been married. He and his wife finally got married on the 2nd and the whole ward is very excited for his baptism on the 18th.

We’re still working with la familia Garcia. Slow progress. A guy named Carlos finally came to church again, so we can start teaching him a bit more now. I guess he has been taught off and on in the past. I’ve only met him once.
Kuna Nega, Panama (Google Images)
This week we also got a referral from the Elders in Kuna Nega. The referral is like 23.7 minutes away but we went anyway. Turns out this referral is way cool. His wife is a member, has two little girls and he and his wife are married! The bummer is that he didn’t come to church this week because they were moving.  Maybe next week.

I’ve been told there are a few kids in the Alcalde Diaz area that want to be taught, but I have no idea where they live. So were meeting with the branch president today at 6pm to go teach them. Maybe some more potential baptisms.

We’ve got a ton of work to do, and not tons of time so we have to work smart!

Love you all,

Elder Doxey
