I’m trying to get lost in the work

This week literally flew by! Where is the time going?  I can't send lots of pics this week b/c my camera is having some problems.  I’m trying to get lost in the work and I am literally so dead physically and mentally but not spiritually! So this letter might not be as long as you’d want.  ;)
This week was filled with crazy experiences. 

One of the craziest was we were walking down this street on Cumbres de Norte, just about to finish cosechas when my companion felt like we should go to this house and give a blessing. Dale pues!
Cumbres del Norte, Panama (Courtesy of Google Images)
We go to the house and the whole family is getting ready to leave but not the dad. He really wanted to talk to us. We just said that we wanted to give a blessing and come back a different time. He ended up inviting us into his home. He had a very, very strong attitude and loved to talk! (This is where is gets good).

I turned to my comp and said he needs to feel the spirit in this lesson. He really wanted to know what we were about so we started to explain the restoration and the authority. Then he went off about every single tiny thing.

He is a die-hard Catholic...saying that we only believe in Joseph Smith. He insisted that we don’t have the authority and literally just trying to prove us wrong at all angles. He used my own Bible to try and prove us wrong.  Ha ha.
La Palabra
After like five minutes talking and listening to him and thought, “yeah lets get outta here.” My comp wanted to "convert" him right then and there though. They were really going at it. I ended it all by saying Hermano thank you for your time.  We have another person to visit right now. This pamphlet is for you if you want to learn more.” He said he didn’t want and then we left. My comp walked out of that lesson super furious. I kept calm. After looking back it’s pretty funny to me. Ha ha ha.

La familia Garcia has a fecha bautismal for this Sunday but the father, “Chon” is having trouble with coffee. He thinks a cup every few days is okay. It’s honestly going to be a miracle if we have their baptism this week.

We went to visit them and we taught the lesson and it was all good. Then they said that they were preparing lunch for us. They don’t have much to say the least.
We watched them take one of their chickens cut off the head and talons. Cut the chicken up throw it in the frying pan, throw in some rice and “listo” (it’s done!).  It actually was not too bad b/c we also had fresh coconut juice, which is SO GOOD.
Lots of Rice with Home Butchered Chicken!

Today we had “P-Day de Elderes” and played Futbol. Our zone is pretty small but it was pretty fun. The rest of the week was pretty normal. For breakfast I have a Nutella sandwich, which is literally gold!!

A law was just passed that no one can use plastic bags. Everyone’s pretty mad about it.  Ha ha.  I guess a lot of the paper bag replacements will just die in the rain. There is so much rain!  Oh, and lots of sun and pounds and pounds of chicken and rice!!

Gotta live it up cause I only have two years. Thanks for all the prayers and love!

Elder Doxey
