A Guy I Taught Lesson #1 to Was Baptized Yesterday!

Hi Family,

I have no time to write or talk today because I have to be in the Bella Vista at 2pm.
But, this was a great day. Super busy!
Bella Vista, Panama (Courtesy of Google Images)
I did a baptismal interview with Justin from Ciudad Bolivar. It was pretty cool cause during splits with Elder Cortez I taught him lesson 1. He was baptized yesterday!
Ciudad Bolivar Chapel
We almost had 3 more baptisms but la familia Chon said that he had some problems with the sacrament and how we use water instead of wine. It’s kinda sad because he literally knew everything to be baptized, family in the church and everything. But were going to keep working with them.

Nicanoy, our recent convert got the Aaronic Priesthood and his temple recommend this Sunday! He also has family names for the temple. He is going to do the temple work for his wife who passed away but was a member, his parents, and grandparents! SO COOL!!
Now Covering Alcalde Diaz as Well
Also cambios are today.  Last night I got a call from the ZLs that I was going to train a new gringo in my area! I’m still District Leader. But, both Hermanas in the Alcalde Diaz area got transferred out of that area. So, there are no missionaries in their area.  It’s tricky b/c they have people that are progressing, so I’m watching over the Alcalde Diaz area as well. I was pretty shocked when I heard this.

I guess this is what happens when you know president hahaha. Elder LaFuente was transferred to Colon at 5 this morning.
Colon, Panama
I’m super exited for this next change because I know that I’m going to learn so much!

That’s about it for this week.

Elder Doxey
