One Night in Kuna Nega

Hola Familia!

Two Healthy, Wealthy Kuna Women Not in My Area, Selling Molas to Tourists (Google Images)
BIG NEWS in the mission is that Presidente and Hermana Garrett landed in the mission! Super exited for these next 20 months!
 Presidente y Hermana Garrett 
So every week in the mission is good. Some weeks are just better than others... Honestly this week was really hard. I'm still learning how to be a the best District Leader I can. Sometimes I have to learn the hard way, trial and error.

My companion and the Zone Leaders are both super helpful. Being a District Leader means that you have to watch over your District and be an example to them. I also have to call each companionship every night, to get the report of numbers and names then call the ZL`s. Also have to lead District meetings and interviews, which is always fun!

 This week I went on divisiones with Elder Garcia (ZL) in Kuna Nega, a very, very poor area.
Girl Washing Clothes in the Kuna Nega River
Elder Garcia speaks no English...not one word. The funny thing about this area is that even though it is called Kuna Nega, there are no Kunas here.
Residential Kuna Nega, Panama (Image from local Panama newspaper) 
 Patacone Landfill in Kuna Nega, Panama (Image from local Panama newspaper) 
It's just the poorest of the poor that live here. It is a rough part of the San Miguelito Zone. Its where all the trash gets dumped for all of Panama. Huge mountains of trash!
 The Patacone Dump, Serving All of Panama (Image from local Panama newspaper)
The whole town just stinks. I literally always learn so much when we go on divisiones. He really likes to teach. He really wants people to understand what we are teaching. He doesn't just teach a lesson to teach a lesson. He's super chill and really nice! But instead of ending divisones at night I slept at his house. He is super obedient. He gave me lots of good advice.
Fellow Making Dinner in Kuna Nega (Image from local Panama newspaper)
So we were supposed to have two baptisms this week. Two niƱas. They aren't really the problem, its the moms. We have the paper work and everything. But they both want to plan the after baptism party before the baptism so they said not until next week! Honestly, I was pretty frustrated.

Mangos in Panama
Seeing that it is the end of the month, we literally have no money. So,instead of taking a taxi we took a hike. It literally felt like I was hiking to Kings Peak in Sunday clothes. Got some great pictures though. I tried to send them but it didn't work.

We have a lot of really good investigators but the only problem is that they don't want to commit to anything. So its really hard to get them to come to church. We have one investigator who literally sleeps on a pile of trash. I was so shocked when he invited us into his house cause I honestly thought it was his trash can. We`re still in the raining season so it literally pours everyday from 11-4pm Sometimes you just gotta get wet.

 Panama Rains Will Wet Your Whistle
You're about as wet as if you just jumped into the pool. One day i was so thirsty and didn't have water, that is, until I looked up at the trees and saw bright green coconuts.

I climbed the small tree grabbed six cocos for my companion and I, borrowed a machete and had the best coconut water i think I've ever had. Good memories for sure!
 A Great Source of Filtered, Clean Water
 Elder LaFuente and I are different guys. But, we`re all good. No problems. We actually teach really well together. Hes a convert to the church so he understands the investigators more than i do. He never gives up. He keeps teaching and teaching. Its awesome! But, we both can work on being exactly obedient. He was shocked when he heard the story of Grandpa Call in Panama. Hahah.

Over all, this week was great and I really learn a lot every week. One of my favorite parts of every week is McDonalds. It's the bomb! Time is literally flying by! Cant believe I'm almost five months in! Thanks you for all the support and prayers from back home! Elder Doxey
