Favorite Part of the Mission...One Hour of Personal Study Every Morning

Every week in the mission is great!

There is always a lot going on every hour of the day. The time is just flying by! This week I hit four months in Panama, but who's counting....
Four Elders, and One Happy Investigator with a Newly Cut Hillside of Grass

So, the other Elders in the district were having some problems with their house. They got kicked out for like two days so they stayed at our house. Then, a few days later they got permission to move in again. They're pretty energetic Elders. Super funny! Ha ha. You'll see them in a bunch of pictures from this week. I can't really go around being a tourist with a camera and video, so most pictures are literally me taking it out of my pack as we're headed to an appointment and capturing what is around me.
A Panamanian Swingset & Clothesline We Found in the Lawn We Cut

There has literally been so much rain and water this week. All our umbrellas are broken but the ward keeps us stocked. One day we just waited in a chino for like two hours just waiting for the rain to pass.
A Panamanian Water Feature ... Literal Waterfalls of Rain Down the Steps Where We Were Passing By

I know that sounds wimpy to all in the deserts of the Western USA, but this is torrential rain that just forces everyone to stop. You stop because everything is flooding.  You stop b/c drivers in cars and buses can't see.  You stop because you can't hear someone talking right next to you. The rain and rushing water is so, so loud!  If you're in a building with a tin roof (which is most buildings), it just hits the roof like a steady stream of bullets.
Fun Little Bird

We have Reunion de Distrito every week and I'm in charge of leading and teaching the district. Sometimes it can be stressful. But, after the ZLs came and gave us a little pep-talk, it got everyone pumped up and ready to go to work. Honestly, it was really spiritual uplifting.
Git'er Done

Then right after our meeting we went on Divisiones in Ciudad Bolivar this week. Divisiones are when we team up all in one place, with each others companions. What a time!
El Panameno

Elder Cortez is literally hilarious. He is super energetic and has tons of jokes. Ha ha! He has eight months in the mission.
Elder LaFuente Sharpening Up His Machete...The Native Elders Totally Know How to Use These!

Later in the evening, there is always pick up soccer games in the streets. One joven got mad that we interrupted the game. In Spanish, I said "Hey pass the ball, lets play!" Everyone was shocked that a gringo could actually play. Everyone was clapping, even the parents. It was pretty funny. Good times!
GREAT Elders in My District

Saturday could've been a better day.  I started out the day by accidentally erasing all 250 of the pictures on my camera! Luckily I have been sending them home on Google Photos. It was literally the worst, but I think I have all of them saved on email somewhere.
Elder LaFuente and I Taking a Break from Lawn Mowing

Later on Saturday we had a huge service project at an investigator's home with the others Elders in the area. The investigator has been an investigator on and off for years. Nice man.
This Hillside was a Beast

The project was to cut the grass on the hillside next to his home. We were swinging machetes for like three hours. My hands were about to explode. Hard work. Hopefully the pictures explain what we were up against. He even had a nice weed eater for parts around walls of his house.  Wish I had my lawn mower though! Ha ha.
Our Machetes Might Have Been Faster Than this Gas Powered Weed Eater

Took a chiva for like 30 minutes to la familia Garcia ( a really good family of three) and of course, they weren't there. Outside their house, I called for Sr. Garcia like 24 times and there was no answer, so we left. Then 10 minutes later he called for me. Great...
Typical Panamanian Chiva

Then right after that I had to do a baptismal interview for the Hermanas in my District. Their investigator (a woman in her 50s) had had some problems (with abortion) in the past so I had to call President Garrett. The first thing he said was, "Elder Doxey, honestly hows it going? Then he spoke with the investigator, and  after he talked with her he said she was good to go. She was baptized yesterday!

Sunday we went back to la familia Garcia with members. The parents were just married last week, so we were super excited to teach them. We taught them almost all the lessons and they pretty much asked is if they could be baptized! The only problem is that they have some trouble with the Word of Wisdom. But, they are really wanting to change. Their goal is to be married in the temple! Super cool experience! They have a baptismal date for the 28th.
I Literally Love These DIY Cement Sidewalks and Iron Pipe Railings...No Mud

One of my favorite parts of the mission is the hour of personal study every morning! Its a really good way to get spiritually ready for the day. It definitely helps with the language if you study in Spanish. I feel the spirit every morning. For anyone that isn't reading and praying everyday, start now because you really will see a difference through out the day!

Elder Doxey
