Multi-Zone Conference with Pte y Hna Garrett

What a week !!

This week was way good but really stressful at the same time. We had reunion de zona but with another zone, assistants, and President and Hermana Garrett! So, pretty much a "reunion multizona."
President Garrett speaks Spanish very well. Hermana Garrett is still learning but they both bore very good testimonies. They're going to do so great!
Presidente Garrett y Elder Doxey
Afterward, our zone just had a "one on one" with the Garretts. Everyone in the zone introduced themselves, I really got to know the zone better.

When it was my turn I just said where I'm from, that I like to play soccer and then sat down. Then, President Garrett got up and said, "Is that all Elder Doxey? You have a lot more to say than that!"
Pte. y Hna. Garrett with Multi- Zone Elders and Sisters

President Garrett then told the whole zone about Grandpa Call serving in Panama in the early 1950s, my uncle Tom Call serving in Panama, my cousin Ben Call serving in Panama, and my dad serving in Costa Rica.  Many in the zone remembered Elder Ben Call. The whole zone was was chocked amazed. They were trying to piece it all together. Hahaha.
Behold, the Golden Arches in La Cabima, Panama
After that, we had Wendy's hamburgers, and it was the best thing ever! I'm super excited to serve with the Garretts over the next 20 months! One more thing...can I just say how funny it is to see "Panamanian Landscapers" on motorcycles? Strapped to the back rack of their moto, they literally have a machete, a little rake, blower and weed eater. So funny. They just cruise all over doing their thing.
Pura Selva
Wow the dogs were active this week. We walked by this house and the house dog (a Pitbull, which I thought was on leash) started charging at me.  I picked up a rock and it ran away for a second. Then, it charged again and got really close to me, and by this time the owner was watching.
Stairs to visit our investigators, who were not home
The dog got so close, he was getting ready to lunge at my leg so I threw that rock really hard and squarely hit the dog on the head. Its owners were watching and everything. The dog ran away crying. I felt kinda bad but I did not want to get bitten again.
Everyone welds here, all the time
Later in the week, we had just taken a 20 min taxi to visit one of our scheduled baptism (a girl named Aimar) this week. While walking to the house, this medium sized dog just ran at my leg and without even hesitating, bit me in the calf. His sharp little teeth ripped my pants and everything!! There was a little blood so we went and talked to the owners and they said that the dog had all its shots.  They asked if I had all mine (and of course I have) so were all good.
I thought this was a dumpster, but it ended up being a guys house where we taught
These dogs are literally trained, living security systems for all these nice homes.  To top it all off, the visit with Aimar (our scheduled baptism) was not good. It took us like 20 minutes to find her. She passed all the interview questions, and things were looking good. Then, suddenly she said she didn't want to be baptized afterall. Great. Not good. That day wasn't the best.
Amazing Patacones, con Salsa de Tomate, Frijoles
In non-dog news, the end of the week is always super stressful as a District Leader.  I'm trying to lead the District and its actually not easy. I have a set of Elders and Hermanas. The Hermanas are great. One of them Sister Stringham is from Orem.  Their baptism also fell through also.

Also have a set of Elders who are super great positive and energetic, but sometimes lack diligence and exact obedience. So kinda have been working with them and the ZLs.
Back across the bridge
Sunday was wayyyy stressful. Chantel our other scheduled baptism fell through... she came to church and the ZLs were there ready for the interview but then she suddenly said that she didn't want to be baptized that day because her mom wasn't there.

Her mom has some problems, probably wont ever come to church but I've got faith.

Also on Sunday all these members wanted to talk to us about their friends that need to be baptized. We were very excited of course, that is, until we learned that they live in the middle of nowhere and do not even have a phone, which makes it really time consuming, costly and inefficient to even reach them, let along teach them.  Pretty difficult situation. We can't do everything for them b/c there are so many to teach right here.

Members were also talking to us about donating clothes. I literally have no clothes to spare.  The best part of the week (even with all those cancelled baptisms) is that we randomly had 8 investigators come to church. Among them was a complete family, (which is a referral from members). They are literally super awesome. so, maybe we will have baptisms this week. I know having them there is an answer to prayers.
La Cabima, Panama
After church we had a two hour meeting with all the leaders in the ward (Consejo de Barrio/Ward Council).

While we were in that meeting, at once the Hermanas called saying they had a baptism and needed an interview ASAP.
Then, the ZLs were calling wanting the numbers of my District. Lots going on at once. Barely enough time to think. It was literally super stressful. I was so dead at the end of the day! The best part in all this is that we have lots of positive investigators right now.

 Heavenly Father always provides a way. I really have learned so much this week. By the way, in Alma 22:32, do you think they are talking about Panama? Seems like it to me.

Much love,

Elder Doxey
