Nica Noy Baptism / Amazing Members / District Leader Assignment

WOW what a week!! I baptized Nica Noy this week in La Cobima. To read his full story, read on!
L to R: Elder LaFuente, Elder Doxey, Nica Noy, Hermana y Hermano Pinson
I'm getting the hang of La Cabima. It is such a big area! You can see downtown Panama City skyscrapers from the hills of La Cabima. 
View of Panama City from the La Cabima Hills

My New Area, La Cabima, San Miguelito Panama
It is very suburban--there are so many houses, and so many quality people to teach. Neighborhoods are modern and compact, like developments surrounded by hills. The number of homes in each little valley is amazing. There are really nice parks, paved roads (this is huge with all the rain), kids playing in the street, people being social, working out and more. There is even a McDonald's close to our house but it is way expensive--like three bucks for an ice cream!
Comfort Food ... an Expensive Oreo Shake
Our Huge Kitchen in La Cabima
Because the area is so big there are so many people that come to church. It literally feels like a ward in Utah. We typically have 134 people in church. This is great, because I'm used to Loma Coba where we had 30 people in church each week. Our church building is really nice. We live across the street in a home that is about as big as the downstairs of our home in Provo.  We even have a nice showerhead instead of a pipe coming out of the wall.
Our Huge Study Area in La Cabima
La Cabima with Panama City in the Distance
The members here are unbelievably great--so, so willing they help us in every way they can. For example, one day three returned missionaries (one who is the YM President--"Enzo" from Costa Rica) in the ward drove Elder LaFuente and I around for four hours! 
Amazing Member Missionaries in La Cabima

They knew all the positive people, all the people that had been taught recently, and others who were probably ready to teach. Those relationships that the members have are gold. 
Nica Noy's Home
One of our investigators (now recent convert) is named Nica Noy, a very humble man in his 70s.  Lives in a shack. His wife was a member for most of her life, but unfortunately died recently. He lives in and area of La Cabima called Nuevo Mexico. Its like a 20 minute drive from where we live, but he was my first baptism in the area! He has a strong testimony and wants to live in the eternities with his wife. His next goal is to enter the temple and do her temple work. SOOOO cool! 
Nica Noy's Washroom

During Nica Noy's baptism he got into the water, and I said the baptismal prayer. After the prayer he kinda just fell into the water and I lifted him up. But it was all good. (BTW, I have a goal to baptize in every area I serve in.) His neighbors and friends, (Hermano y Hermana Pinson) were baptized 6 months ago and came to his baptism.

Now that I look at his baptismal picture I realize my shirt is yellowish and my pants (and that white tie Grandpa Call gave me) are bright white. Nica's granddaughter also was going to be baptized with him the same day but President Current said that her Mother (Nica's daughter) had to be present. She didn't show up. So, maybe she and her daughter will be baptized next week.

Beautiful La Cabima, Panama
We were also supposed to have another baptism this week, a woman in her 20s with two kids and lives alone. But, during the baptismal interview she told Elder Richins that she had homosexual problems and that she had tried to abort a child. She didn't pass the interview. I was literally so shocked!!

My comp still has hope in her, which is important but she won't be baptized until she has cleared up a few things, and be ready to comply with baptismal covenants. She's a little "out in left field" about the importance of what she would be doing. Like, she literally said she would come to church regularly if we bought her Pampers for her kids. We told her we don't do that, so we'll see how things go.
My Bellevilles (Timberlands and Vasques are good too, but these Bellevilles are so comfy!)

Then, last night I got a call from the Zone Leaders. All they said was, "Elder Doxey, you're the District Leader now" and then hung up!!!! I was so shocked! I have three months in Panama, and just five days in my new area--my companion has been in this area for 3 months!
Eating Healthy Mom!
My first thoughts were from the devil...thoughts like, "Can I really do this? Is my Spanish good enough? Then, later last night in my personal prayers I really felt a comforting feeling that I really can be the District Leader. One thing that I have really learned fast in the mission is how to take responsibility of your actions no matter how big or small. 
Lawn Mower is Ready for Service
Today I splurged and spent seven bucks at McDonalds.. But I had the best burger and Oreo shake ever! ahaha This week It has been raining a lot. Check out the videos, but it was GREAT!!

Elder Doxey
