On Sunday we had two confirmations. The Spirit just hit me so strong.

Hi all,

Monday was "Dia de TODO su Esfuerso" (a day to put forth ALL your strength).  It's a day where you just give it all you've got. We didn't even eat breakfast or lunch. We spent the whole day finding and teaching, literally running from cita to cita. We didn't even eat out of one Chino! haha
Elder Doxey & Elder Sosa in the Loma Cobá area of Arraiján Panama
At the end of the day we went to the church to study and there was an English class. The teacher wasn't there and because I'm the only white guy around they asked me to teach the class. Everyone's English was SO bad! haha. While teaching basic, English I couldn't remember anything. My mind was stuck in Spanish.
This week we looked at another house. I think our house is one of the smallest in the whole mission. The house we looked at is a lot bigger. It even has a closet and a ceiling fan. BUT, it doesn't have a washer and dryer. Bummer.

Later that day we went to visti the Familia Lombardo--an incomplete family or "Cinco Familia." They are Kuna, and they have like 10 dogs. Not a problem right? Well, one of the dogs just came and bit my leg for no reason! His sharp little teeth ripped my pants but didn't break the skin. Last week I said with $7 a day, we had tons of money. Well, near the end of the week, my comp and I only had five bucks for three days. But, we survived.

We've been teaching a 14 year old girl for like 3+ weeks. She knows the church is true but wont admit it. When we visited her today, we were answering every question she had with scriptures for like 20 minutes--yet she wouldn't listen. We asked her to give the closing prayer, and waited for like 10 minutes ... and she STILL wouldn't do it. Yeah, were not teaching her anymore. Into the area book she goes.

One of our recent converts is 9 years old. He reminds me of Tarzan or Huck Finn. He never wears shoes or a shirt. He literally lives off mangos and stealing from Chino stores. haha.

Another one of our investigators finally told us she wasn't married ... after like six weeks of teaching her! But, she said that she would still feed us lunch every Friday, so that is good for now.

One day in Cosechas we came across a man that reads the Bible 24/7. He told us a bunch of weird stuff; like, he doesn't believe in church and all prophets are false prophets. Then he told us that las nubes (the clouds up here in the mountains) parted and he saw a pillar of light...and God's face appeared and they talked the whole day. OK then!

While walking home from dinner at around 8:30 pm we heard five gun shots a few miles away. We were totally safe, don't worry. The Spirit is always with us. Sometimes it's in the smallest ways that it tells us what to do and say.

On Sunday we had two confirmations. The Spirit just hit me so strong. It was a super cool experience. We were supposed to have a baptism, but Alexandra was having problems that most 11 year olds have...so we're going to have it this Saturday along with a nice Kuna Grandma named Leticia. For the month of June our goal for baptisms in the zone is 42 and for the mission its 213. This means we have a lot of work to do, to find these people.

We gotta find a ton of new investigators and work super hard this month so we can meet our goals and baptize like crazy.

'Till next time!

Elder Doxey
