The 3rd & 4th Baptisms in This Family, More to Come

June 10, 2019
Area: Loma Coba
Companion: Elder Sosa

Every day in the mission is good. Some days are just better than others. But this week was way good!
We had two baptisms on Saturday. This is the fourth baptism in this family and hopefully more to come! They were both confirmed on Sunday. The spirit was very strong. We were supposed to have three baptisms but the Kuna grandma (Leticia), who looks like shes 843 years old, said the water was going to be too cold. haha. We'll try again next week.
Elder Sosa & Elder Doxey in Loma Coba
It’s been raining a lot here in Panama. Almost all the roads are dirt. So, when it rains it's just mud. One day this week it was raining so hard...clouds swirling and hitting the roofs so hard you couldn't hear anything. It was raining so hard that my little umbrella broke. You don't even need an umbrella because you just get soaked anyway. Just put your books in a Ziploc bag and ya, you're good.
Broken umbrella after rain
One day for lunch I ordered just rice, no chicken. If you know me, I hate spending money. Anyway they charged me $4.50! Just because I'm gringo. I was SO mad! But whatever.

Juan Carlos, one of our recent converts punched Elder Sosa right in the gut so hard. Juan Carlos is 9. It was the funniest thing. My comp is making me do almost everything. He's a good trainer. It's really good because next change I could be training! 

On Sunday I was super hungry and I couldn't buy anything. I thought I was out of options. But, then I saw the biggest mango in the wild! I ate like 5. I have seen many blessing that come from serving a mission. It really has changed who I am.
Elder Doxey

From our Google Hangouts phone conversation:
-We move to a new apartment in 5 days. There’s no washing machine but there is a ceiling fan. The new apartment has a huge bathroom and it even has a sink in the bathroom. We’ll wash our clothes by hand on a wash board and scrubbing brush in a 5 gallon bucket.  The first time I did that I was scared that my white shirt would be so dirty!  It was fine. I only use three pairs of pants a week and four shirts. We'll put up like 5 clotheslines.
-The Kunas we teach seriously look exactly like the photos of the Kuna’s grandpa taught while he was here in the 1950s.  We teach a Kuna grandma right now….huge nose ring, Kuna dress, lots of bracelets etc. She made a mola that she worked on for years.  She sold it for $5000.  I bought a simple mola tie. 

-Report on BOOTS: I still love my black Belleville army boots.  I put waterproof silicone spray and silicone polish / mink oil on them a lot and my feet stay dry.  When I don’t do it at least once a week my feet are soaking.  There’s been TONS of rain…like rivers of rain. The only place that’s worn out on my boots is a little part in the middle of the sole.  They handle!

-If you look up “The Story of 2 Brothers” on YouTube….that describes what my life is like.

-Chinos (corner markets): They are about as big as Ripples and are jam packed with stuff.  Many of them have a security guard with a fake security vest holding HUGE shotguns outside. There are lots of cops on bikes that carry massive machine guns on their back.
