God has a plan for every one of us

Monday May 20, 2019
Loma Coba, Arraijan
Companion: Elder Sosa

First, a shout out to Zack Crane! Just got his mission call to Fresno CA Spanish Speaking!!

Three months down! Literally feels like a week. Three months is no time. Before you know it ill have six months in the mission. It's crazy seeing pictures from home. Everything is exactly the same. Hahah. Everyone is graduating and getting mission calls. I remember those days like yesterday!
Panama is very green
Really cant remember everything we did this week. But we did play futbol with all the jovens in the ward this morning. Always dripping sweat.

The water system in Loma Coba is always on and off. Rotating availability. I learned how to take a shower with only two liters of water.

We had two investigators in church. Its so hard to get people in church. Pretty sure we have another baptism this week. But we're never 100 percent sure until they're in the font.

We've been working really hard. In cosechas, theres always threatening dogs nearby. I always have a rock in my hand. haha!
Critters with an attitude

We've been finding lots of positive investigators. I would say that about 75 percent of the couples aren't married. So when you find a married, positive couple, you gotta take advantage of that and get them to come to church, then be baptized the next week.

Crazy story. Marlon, my first baptism was confirmed this week. He came to church on time, was confirmed and everything was all good. Before he even sat back down in his seat, his mom (who is not a church member) came to us and said that he needed Marlon immediately. She then started bawling and said that his real dad had just passed away. Crazy! It's crazy how Satan tries to interrupt anything spiritual and destroy the family. BUT,  he was confirmed a member of the church like 10 seconds before this. God has a plan for every one of us. Why should the plan be easy if it wasn't easy for Christ.

We have two investigators and they're both sisters. I thought they were like in their 20s but they're 15 and 17. We found out that the older one has been drinking since she was 10!! Everyone in the family drinks SO much. (Alcohol is cheaper than clean water). I counted over 100 bottles. But the 15 year old doesn't drink. So she can still be baptized. She hasn't come to church because she stays up until five every morning.

Other than that, nothing is really new. One thing that I'm not used to is having to use all the money they give us in two weeks. We get almost 7 bucks a day, which is plenty. Back home I would never spend money. But I have to use it in smart ways, planning for things I will need. If we have left over money at the end of the two weeks, we give it back. I could just go to like three chinos stores a day! haha!

I'm really starting to like the mission more and more!
Thanks for all the love.

Elder Doxey

Notes from his Google Hangouts call this week:
* We just started teaching a Kuna family with about 10 kids. Apparently they were very sour on the missionaries b/c some other missionaries before us chastised them, and tried to force them. They tried to boss them around and tell them what they were doing wrong.  I think they are over that with us, so that is good.
* Today I got a new bag that should make all the hill climbing a bit easier. It is a tiny leather bag and tiny strap.  It literally only holds the bare essentials I need: a Book of Mormon, a water bottle, a few pamphlets in a ziplock, and my precious flashlight.
* My athlete's foot is not progressing, so that's good.
* Elder Sosa has been out for 10 months.  We are working hard to have a baptism this Sunday.
* Gotta go. (10 min. call).
