Met Marlon, who wants to serve a mission

May 7, 2019
Loma Coba


Last Monday we went Albrook cause Elder Chavez needed new boots. He had no idea what he wanted. He was pretty stressed out. He said he wanted his mom to come help him. hahah I helped him out. He got a pair of black Tims. Lot of coin but worth it. For lunch we got McDonalds. SOO good. I ate like 6 burgers off the dollar menu. Then, once 5 o'clock hit we were out working.

There were "trash fires" everywhere cause who wants to pay the trash man?! hahaha Lots of people burn their trash here.  So, sometimes we have to walk through a lot of smoke. Pretty normal.
Love that burning trash smell...just gets right to ya.

Tuesday: During cosechas we found a family of like five, married and everything, which is pretty unusual. Hopefully they can all be baptized. It literally was like 100 percent humidity. Not raining but sprinkling cause of all the humidity. We were so wet at the end of the day. I've been having to go to the bathroom like every hour cause I'm drinking like two gallons of water a day. One time I had to go to the bathroom so bad and was going to go near these trees. But, Elder Chavez said, "No!" Apparently, that's where a five foot gator lives. I held it. hahaha. One thing I thought was funny is when people "tie down" their chickens so that they don't run away.

Wednesday: Cosechas was rough. No new investigators. My comp and I were not on the same page. After lunch we were all good. A few random memories....A man, who all the missionaries know, keeps yelling "Mormones" at us. I'm used to it. He bought a coffee and offered it to us and asked why we wouldn't drink it. Pretty sure he's an inactive member hahaha! A drunk thought I was his brother and tried to give me a hug. Paid 10 cents to weigh myself. 156lbs

Thursday: We had district meeting in Casides. We learned more about our role, member role, how to teach better, etc. Then went with Elder Hadley on splits in my area. I still don't know my area super well. We got lost a few times but overall it was good. He gave me a lot of good advice. For dinner we ate at members house.
Patacones (fried green plantains, con sal)
Every dinner is at members house. SOOOO much food. I ate it all. But, there was one piece of meat that was so tough that I would chew it then spit it in a napkin. By the end of the meal I had a handful of napkins. No one noticed.

Friday: We took pictures of the new house we are going to move into. Way better than our tiny house right now. I saw a spider like three inches wide. I've had stomach and digestive problems for like a week. It was from the juice from the Kunas. Just worked through it. I'm all good now.

Saturday: I met Marlon. He's 14 and super interested in the church. He came to church! His baptism is this week. His dad is an inactive member and his mom isn't a member. But, they both want Marlon to serve a mission. Pretty cool. One of the weirdest things is seeing John Foss everywhere haha! (John Foss is our neighbor and is the actor who plays the role of Jesus in the Bible videos.) I saw a another drunk passed out on the old fridge someone had thrown out.

Sunday: I burned my Top Ramen. Dang it! So, I went without breakfast or lunch. I'm forgetting how to spell in English. Spanish is coming...still. But it's improving.
Monday: I woke up at 2:30am, took a taxi to Casides, then went with Elder Hadley and Elder Stutts to wait for our new companions. My new comps name is Elder Sosa hes from El Salvador. Super cool guy. He doesn't speak much English. So, I'm going to have to learn Spanish way quick! He speaks some Kuna. I have to know the area cause he's new to the area. Planning is pretty rough because I don't know all the names and where everyone lives. But, I'll figure it out I guess. These kids keep calling me names of famous soccer players. hahaha!
Over all it was a way good week. I took lots of pictures but they aren't loading. So, next week I'll send them to you.  And, I don't have enough time to call this week.

For anyone thinking about a mission, just do it! You won't regret it.
Thanks for all the love!
Elder Doxey
