This week flew by! Shout out to the little bro!

April 8, 2018
Area: Loma Coma

This week flew by!! First of all HUGE shout out to the little bro for dub. Student Body President 2020!!!

We had zone conference and General Conference this week. We had to wake up at 4am to get to zone conference in the city. It was super good. I learn so much every day. Afterward, we had McDonalds, which was sweet. Big Macs and fries for everyone! Also did splits with Elder Vargas from Bolivia. He’s the best. He doesn’t speak any Spanish but we connected really fast. He’s a hard worker. We had to do migrations a few days later so we woke up at 3am, went to the city and signed a few papers then got right back to work.

Sometimes in Loma Coba B the work can be really hard on your body and mind. It’s like all hills trying to find people to listen to us. A lot of the times I wish we had more success. When those days happen, I just have to have a positive attitude and work hard. One time I came home from a hard day hoping to have cold water in the fridge. But, the power was out because of the rain and there was no water. It’s all good though. Good mems.

The hills of Loma Coba.

When rains, it rains hard!!! We were teaching a lesson and it starting raining so hard I couldn’t hear anything because of the tin roofs. I was talking with Elder Hadley and he said that was a light drizzle. For dinner almost every night we eat at member’s houses. This one night we had the best dinner ever. She lives pretty far away so we took a taxi. It was so worth it!! SO MUCH FOOD!  We had plate of food mostly beans rice and meat, then a bowl of soup with fried bananas and a full plate of desserts. Yum!

Fried bananas (Patacones)
Sunday was General Conference. Super good! The first session was in Spanish so I didn’t understand that much. But, the rest was in English. Just all the Americans had to watch it in the tiny room. It was a really good experience and I learned so much.

This week we our zone was supposed to have like seven baptisms. Most of them fell through. We had three. But the work is paying off. Missions really are hard! But, I think if you really set your mind, heart and look unto God, it’s not as hard as you think. You learn soooo much on the mission.

Thanks for all the support and prayers.
 Elder Doxey
