27 new investigators

April 29, 2019
Area: Loma Coba

This week was really memorable. For pday last week, we went to the Stake Center and just played soccer. An Elder kicked the ball in the gutter. There was like a cement cover over the gutter and there was no way we were getting it back. But, it started pouring 30 minutes later and the water pushed the ball out. By that time, a set of Elders had already gone to buy a new ball. All the elders put in 2 bucks. Funniest thing. It felt SO good to actually play soccer! First time in months! For lunch our zone ordered tons of pizza. Each Elder had half a pizza. Latter that night, a member gave us two pizzas for dinner. So, I ate one and a half pizzas that day. That's all I ate. hahaha!

On Tuesday, we found 27 new investigators. Out next goal is 32. we are having a lot of success but having a hard time getting investigators to come to church and commit to baptism.Elder Chavez and I went on splits with one of the assistants, Elder Bivings. He's been in the mission 25 months. He's going home this week. Hes like 6´7 and has red hair. Everyone kept staring at us haha. He's like one of the best Elders in the mission. WOW! I learned sooo much from him!

If I don't exercise and stretch morning and night, my feet legs and knees will are dead. I'm still eating beans, rice, patacones and chicken everyday. I did eat chicken stomach one time. Actually, was not bad! A Kuna family gave a homemade juice. It tasted alright but did not settle well. I've had stomach aches and the runs for a solid three days. hahaha.

I bought some bread and left it out for one day and it was all moldy. Its so humid. Oh, also, a water costs a dollar. A beer costs 50 cents. Funny! Sometimes I'll come across a drunk. Pretty funny! Love walking the streets at night and listening to all the different music. Cant understand any of it. ahah. My Spanish is coming along. I think I know quite a bit for one month in Panama. But, I've got a long ways to go!

Love, Elder Doxey

From our phone conversation:
-Two members received their mission calls. Arleni is going to Guatemala.  Luis is going to Puebla, Mexico.  They have been coming with us to teach investigators.  That is the best mission prep!
-I haven't seen one tortilla in Panama.  I actually heard a lawn mower the other day....first time since I've been here.  Everyone just uses machetes.  I also saw an all steel weed wacker.  Tell John to enjoy mowing the lawns with his good equipment!

-My companion and I went to Panama City today so he could buy new shoes.  We road the bus across the Bridge of the Americas across the Panama Canal. 
Bridge of the Americas, over the Panama Canal
I saw about 9-10 huge cruise ships.  It took us about an hour. We went to the largest mall I've ever been to.  I got to eat at McDonald's afterward.  It tasted so good!

-My Spanish is coming along.  I study a lot.  I think in about a month or two I'll be able to teach confidently in Spanish.
-We still walk a ton.  I have to stretch my knees in the morning and at night or I'm toast!  I do strength exercises with a homemade dumbbell that is at hour house.  It's made with a PVC pipe with two buckets of cement on the ends.  Its amazing how creative they are with what they have.
-The soccer balls people play with here are so trashed!  Honestly, I would have thrown the balls away about a year ago they are so hammered.  If they don't have a ball, they'll play with anything they can find. It was so fun to play on pday with our zone.  The natives said, "Wow! A gringo that can actually play soccer!"
-Our washing machine is worth about $10.  It's like a little "Fisher Price" sized one.  But, I'm grateful that we have it and I can do laundry.
-Things are going really well. My companion and I get along really well.  I see Elder Hadley all the time. He's a great district leader.
