One of our investigators, Orlando, loves to listen to us

April 22, 2019
Area: Loma Coba

About a month in Panama. Crazy how fast time flies!
This week was a great week. Two investigators came to church which is good. All our baptisms fell through but we have three this week.

On Sunday, Elder Hadley and Vargas had a baptism. One of our investigators, Orlando, loves to listen to us and come to church and read The Book of Mormon. It's really cool.

Nothing really new. Still sweating like crazy. I just need to drink a lot of water. Almost every meal is rice, beans, and chicken.  I'm kinda getting used to it.
Typical "Huge" Panamanian Rice, Beans, Chicken
We were teaching a pastor and he was just trying to combat what we were saying like he was trying to teach us. It was really weird. He had like a 300 page book for all his prayers for every moments. haha!

My favorite part of the week was today during p-day. We went to the Stake Center and just played soccer and ate Dominos pizza. Super fun times with all the Elders in the zone!

I'm pretty used to Panama!

Pouring Rain in Panama
I'm learning to love the work and making lots of good memories running in the pouring rain. haha!

-Elder Doxey

From our phone conversation:
-I'm getting used to the living conditions, weather and the food.  I'm getting used to how hot it is.
-Every couple of days we go to "Chinos" (Corner Markets).  It's all pretty much junk food...snacks, cookies, soda etc.  They also have meat but it's seriously been there for months.  They'll
mix it up and throw it out on a table.  They also have fruit but it's old and has been there for weeks.  The milk comes in boxes and it lasts about 2 years. Coke is $.35 and cookies are $.65
Typical "Chino" Store

-There is water EVERYWHERE.  It comes up out of the cement and in every crack it can find.  There are springs all over the place.
-In our apartment, we don't know when the water will be on or off.  So, I always keep a 5 liter container full of purified water.  Our toilet flushes when we have water.  If not, we go to a container of unclean water we have outside, fill a container, put it in the tank of the toilet and then flush it.
-We eat rice, beans and patacones every day.
-I've never seen carpet or a shower head in Panama.
-No clean cement anywhere.
-We live at the bottom of the the Y mountain.  All of our investigators live at the "top of the Y mountain." My knees and feet hurt so bad each night.
-When we come home at the end of the day, I have about 2 inches of mud on my shoes.  I love my boots but the Eccos are better in the heavy rain.  They're more waterproof (Gore-Tex and Leather).
-Roads that were here about 5 years ago are pretty much washed away with rain....tons of potholes.  A car couldn't even drive on them.

-We don't do street contacts.  But, we visit about 32 houses a week.
-It's so hard to write down where people live....."Go to the big rock, turn right, watch for a cat, go down 3 houses, it's the red house on the right.  They live close to Maria."
-Our investigators need to get married!
-We went to pick up one of our investigators for church on Sunday.  She has a white dog that we call "Satan"  The dog can seriously attack people. The dog was off leash when we went to pick her up.  He started charging for us.  So, we could never go and find her to bring her to church.
-Orlando is a "golden" investigator.  His baptism date if for this Sunday.  He loves the lessons!
-Elder Hadley (district leader) had a baptism last Sunday.  It was awesome!  I said the opening prayer.  Our district had 2 other baptisms last Sunday, so 3 including Elder Hadley's
-Our goal as a zone is to have 30 baptisms this month. Our district's goal is to have 10 baptisms this week.
-The hardest part with our investigators is that they are a little "flojo" (lazy)
-It's voting time right now in Panama so everyone thinks we're coming to talk to them for political reasons.
