20 New Investigators

April 15, 2019
Loma Coba B

Wow already 3 weeks in!

This week Elder Chavez and I worked really hard. Sometimes when we ask investigators to come to church or when we can teach the next lesson they say I’m busy or I have work or I’m sleeping or sometimes just get rejected. That can be hard to take in because everyone needs to hear the gospel. I try not to keep numbers but with lots of hard work obedience and diligence we found 20 new investigators in one day and supposed to have 6 baptisms this week. Super awesome!

I have to memorize all the lessons and scriptures because my comp keeps putting me on the spot mid lesson. It’s good because I gotta learn somehow. Haha! Loma Coba has soooooo manyyy hills! My legs are killing me if I don’t stretch morning and night. Still loving my fan. It stinks when the power goes out.
Example of a Mola

The members are so good. They feed us every night. I’ve learned how to eat lots of rice Haha! We talked to some Cunas. A mola takes about 2 years and they sell them for around 50 bucks. Pretty crazy. Nothing really that new. I’m kinda used to all the crazy things that happen every day. We taught a man that speaks fluent English and Spanish. Pretty cool!
Treats from the "Chinos" otherwise known as corner markets.
Thanks for all the support!
Heleman 3:25-26
Elder Doxey

NOTES from our conversation on Google hangout today:

-Loma Coba hills are similar to hiking Timp every day.  I have my back pack with Books of Mormon and a few bottle of water. 
-I sweat at least a liter of sweat each day.
-After three days in Panama I was seriously wondered what I was doing living here. 😊
-I saw a HUGE parrot and 3 horses this week.
-Our apartment lease is up in about a week.  We’ve been trying to find a new place to rent and are having a hard time.
-Our shower has sooooo much mold in it.  I don’t go near it without wearing my slides.
-There is about six inches between our beds.
-My companion is from Honduras.  His dad is an area authority seventy…he comes from a strong family.  He’s been in the mission 1 ½ months.  He wears white arm sleeves so his arms don’t get burned so he has huge tan lines. 
-I LOVE my boots!  My comanion’s shoes are pretty nice leather boots.  But, after three months of wear he has a huge hole in the bottom of them and now his socks are wearing out there too.  He’s taped them up with black tape.
-We have SIX baptisms scheduled for Sunday. We’ll see what happens!
