Week 1 In the Books!

Elders with us on our first temple day (L to R): Elder Chun, Elder Jackson, Elder Kemp, Elder Doxey, Elder Dittmar, Elder Poulter, Elder Smith, Elder Erickson

Hello friends and family,

My first week at the MTC has been great! The first day I got all my papers, cards, keys, iPad, and then dropped of my suitcases in the residence room. Then we got strait into learning and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Spanish. My companion's name is Elder Kemp. He’s really good. He’s from Arizona and hates the cold. Ha ha. He’ll wear three jackets and I’m in short sleeves. Ha ha. 

My District
Our District is so fun! We have fun while studying Spanish! There is seven elders and four sisters. We all get along pretty well. Sometimes Elder Kemp and Elder Erickson tease each other, just because they’re different personalities. So I gotta keep an eye on both of them. Everyone said that the days go by weeks and the weeks go by days here. ITS SO TRUE!!

My teacher is Sister Christianson from the Edgemont 2nd Ward, which is sweet cause it’s Maggie’s older sister. She’s way nice and understanding. We’ve learned the best way to memorize because there is soooo much memorizing. It’s easy to memorize in English but Spanish is a different story. 

The first week we learned how to meet someone, pray, testify, invite others, share a scripture, and the missionary purpose, all in Spanish. Our district is also trying to memorize 100 words a day. Its really hard but it’s worth it. We learned how to adjust to missionary life. For lots of Elders and Sisters this is really hard for them. We learned why stress can be a good thing and a bad thing. I’m almost never stressed, idk if that’s good or bad! 

We watched a really good video by Elder Bednar. He got right up in our grill and drilled us on how to be successful missionaries. It was really awesome and could really feel the spirit. You learn so much when your in the MTC. The spirit is really strong. Almost as strong as when your in the temple. It’s super cool. Everyday in the MTC feels like a Sunday. Ha ha

A big announcement that had the whole MTC talking was the communication with family. So, now we can Skype our families once a week if we want to. Personally I don’t think I want to because it could become a distraction. So I’m thinking once a month or something like that would be fine.

Everyone says that the food at the MTC isn’t good at all. Personally I think it’s alright. But there’s nothing like home cooking. It’s all you can eat ice cream and chocolate milk and it’s wayyy good. I have no need for money because of this!

I’ve seen a lot of familiar faces around the MTC. I’ve seen Elder Ethan Lott, Sister Meg Peterson, Elder Winston Ha from soccer, Grace Allen, Sister Lilli Jensen, Sister Osmond, (Wyatt’s older sister) Amanda from Namify, and I’m super excited Elder Max Young and Elder Jace Lund are coming in today. It’s going to be nice to see them. 

It’s really hard to get good exercise during gym time because my companion doesn’t like to workout hard, so we just play volleyball and basketball but it’s chill. Elder Erickson is really into fitness and does 250 pushups a day so I decided to join him. I’m always sore, but I guess that’s a good thing.

Oh,  I ripped a hole in one of my not so nice pants. The hole was about 2 inches in the seam. I had my sewing kit so it was all good. All the other elders were soooo impressed! 


A testimony is a good place to start but it’s not enough to return to Christ. You need to turn your testimony into conversion and become like Christ. Some really important things that I have learned about is how to grow your testimony and become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

1. Pray earnestly
2. Repent sincerely (everyday)
3. Study more deeply
4. Mighty change of heart
5. Feel the Spirit and obey it

Some really good scriptures for the mission are...
Mark 5:36 on believing
3 Nephi 9:22 on repentance
John 8:29
Mosiah 4
D&C 18

Quotes that have helped me...
  • Testimony isn’t enough, you need to become converted.
  • The greatest convert on you mission should be you
  • Forget yourself and go to work
  • Whatever your best is, is good enough for the lord
  • Everyone here is going through just as hard as a time as you are. Your not alone!
  • Repentance isn’t the back up plan, repentance is the plan
Caroline what’s poppin!!!! How are you doing? How is lucky? How’s the legos and squishies? How’s soccer and school? If I could explain the MTC in one sentence it would be it’s like church everyday with thousands of young adults. The spirit is really strong. I’m really close with the people in my room and on my floor. So it’s really fun here. There is almost more Sisters than Elders here which is kinda crazy to think about. Anyway let’s me know what’s up. FYI, tell the fam that I can read their emails any day of the week but I can only respond on Wednesdays.

Liza: How’s it going! How’s school and soccer? In sure it’s a blast. I saw the pictures from your tournament and it looks super fun and I bet mom was so cold. Keep playing soccer. The MTC is really good. I miss my big bed but it’s all good. There is almost as many Sisters as Elders at the MTC which is crazy to think about. Spanish is good but its hard at the same time. Our whole district joined the choir! I sounded really bad but all together we were great. There is a really strong spirit here and it’s great! Make sure to keep reading your scriptures and praying. Keep it real.

How’s it goin!!! Sounds like your having fun with that headboard haha. Projects with dad are always fun. How’s student gov.? How’s football? Well, the MTC is really good. There is such a strong spirit about it. You’ll love it when you get here. The food is alright... I’d say it’s a little better than McDonald’s but you get sick of it pretty fast. It’s really hard to get good exercise. There’s a track and weights but my companion just likes to play volleyball buts it’s chill. So every night the Elders in my residence do 200+ push-ups and an ab workout. We also have to walk everywhere we go so I’d way we walk around five miles a day so I’m always sore but it’s good. Ha ha.  Well, keep in touch have a great week and don’t forget to pray and read your scriptures!!!

All: Thank you for all the prayers and blessings I have felt over the past week. Thinking of you guys a lot and how you are all doing. Make sure to keep reading your scriptures and saying your personally prayers. I know Jesus Christ loves all his children! AMEN Peace out.

Much love <3

Elder Nathan Doxey
