Elder Nathan Doxey's Mission Farewell Talk

Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters!

 My name is Nathan Doxey. For those who don’t know me, here’s a 5 second intro. I was born in the San Francisco Bay Area. I moved to this ward when I was 12 years old. I graduated from Timpview last May. I enjoy soccer and skiing. I’m super excited about my mission call to Panama. I report to the Provo MTC this Wednesday.

Today I would like to speak to you on the topic of God being in the details of our lives. Specifically, I’d like to share several ways that God has been in the details of my preparation to serve in Panama. This of course involves an element of me learning to trust the Lord’s timing, and better understand how God’s love for us.

 In 1 Corinthians 2:9 the Lord told Apostle Paul: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

 For the past several months have had so many experiences with opportunities the Lord has prepared for me…as I’ve put my trust in him.

Visualize with me, a timeline that starts with me submitting my mission papers at the end of June 2018. I received my call in September. On this timeline are several “notches” or experiences that the Lord has put before me.

First…a notch on the timeline is that I have worked full-time, working full-time in my lawn mowing business and at Namify … jobs I am very grateful to have had. Saving money for mission expenses over a 9 month period was not my intent when I started these jobs. I really thought I might get my call and be gone in a couple months. I now see that the Lord gave me several opportunities to not only save over this time, but also learn what it means to work full-time, with people…with deadlines … with scheduling commitments and to be dead tired at the end of the day!

 God was in the details of me being put in front of those opportunities—working hard is great “mission prep.” Next, a notch in the timeline is that in this same time period, my dear grandpa Call was in the last 5 months of his life. I consider it a privilege to have experienced first-hand how that wonderful man finished strong, and to have talked to him personally about his experiences in Panama.

To some degree, I learned how God was in the details of his life. For example … - My Grandpa was drafted to serve in the Korean War. After Basic training, his military papers were lost, so they sent him to serve in the Panama Canal Zone where he served as a chaplain. - The lead chaplain in the Canal Zone was not a church member, but also taught from the Book of Mormon. - My grandpa taught many San Blas Indians in a Sunday school class, on the military base.

It turns out their oral history is similar to many parts of the Book of Mormon. So, with special permission from their Indian Chief and President David O McKay, he baptized the first San Blas Indian in 1953. 

After my grandpa died, I was going through all his Panama stuff and learned he had been writing letters back and forth with his Panama friends up until 2008, encouraging their temple attendance. Was it just coincidence that his military papers were lost and he was reassigned to Panama? No, I don’t think so. Was it coincidence that he was assigned to be assistant chaplin? No, I don’t think so. Was it coincidence that there were other LDS servicemen that helped teach the gospel to native Panamanians? No. The Lord is very aware of the details of how the gospel will be shared to all areas of the world.

Because of the Lord’s timing with my mission call, I was able to attend his funeral, and to learn how God was in the details of his life, and using him early in spreading the gospel in Panama. My grandpa showed me what enduring well means. He knows that I loved him and I know that he loved me.

Thinking how God is in the details of our lives like this, President Monson once said, “The opportunity to be a blessing in the life of another often comes unexpectedly.”I testify that this is true. 

Another notch in the timeline is the blessing it has been to be here in this ward, to be ordained an Elder and had time to sit in Elders Quorum among spiritual giants (many who have been in several Church leadership positions), learning from their perspectives, realities of life they face, and to learn how they minister to our ward in their callings.

 Early in the summer I went to a singles ward for one hour, that was enough for now (HA HA!). In hindsight, I recognize the Lord put me in a place in this ward with people who could show me more of what the Priesthood is, how it is used, and how the lead in their homes. My fellow Elders Quorum brothers may not realize it, but I feel God put me there to feel the spirit and learn them. I testify that God cares about these little details!

Yet another notch in the timeline is the ways my testimony of the power of the Atonement and the Book of Mormon have been greatly strengthened in the last 9 months. To be specific, I have seen firsthand what the Atonement and teachings of the Book of Mormon do to people who recognize God is in the details of their lives. I have seen the influence of this book in very difficult situations. I have seen it change lives. It has changed my own life. Along these lines, my testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s calling is so much more deep.

 I’ve been blessed to have visited nearly all the Church History sites and have seen first-hand where the restoration happened. I have seen that God was definitely in the lives of those early Saints. 

Another notch in the timeline is the opportunities I have had to do temple work for some of my ancestors---from the time they were just a fresh new temple card printed out to the time I had participated in every ordinanc that can be performed for them, in several temples. I feel God wanted me to have this context and experience these details so I know “how it all fits together” before my mission. It was good to experience “the end of the covenant path” so I can be more motivated to find Panamanians who can get on “the beginning” of this path.

 A special notch in the timeline is a very unique “Panama Night” gathering at my house a few weeks ago. In addition to my grandpa’s experiences in Panama, my mom’s brother Tom served his mission in Panama, and my dad served in Costa Rica, right next door. My cousin Ben Call just finished his mission to Panama in December, and now I am going to Panama. Of course, none of these relationships with Panama were written in the mission papers I submitted!

But it doesn’t end there … by the time I arrive in Panama in mid April, the current mission president (who happens to be named President Current—go figure) will be leaving in July. The new president is President Gary Garrett, from the Sharon East Stake. That’s right, out of all the people who could have called from all over the world to be the mission president in Panama, the new mission (and his wife Jana) probably shop at Day’s Market and are from the Sharon East Stake!

 So, we invited them over to our house a few weeks ago to see my grandpa Call’s cool Panama stuff/stories, to talk to my recently returned cousin Ben, and to meet each other. Was this coincidence? I think not. Seriously, what are the chances of having your mission president and his wife come over for a Sunday evening, pre-mission!

Before I wrap up, I would like to share a scripture that relates to God being in the details of our lives. It is in D&C 112:10 and builds on the concept that Heavenly Father knows and loves us perfectly and who desires our happiness. In this scripture he promised us, “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.” I testify that God hears our prayers and answers them on his own timetable.

I didn’t know I would have all these notches of opportunity on my timeline of the last 9 months to prepare, but in hindsight I have been led along. In closing, what I’ve learned is that the choice to serve a mission, and the timing to serve a mission is between you and the Lord.

What I didn’t realize then is HOW MUCH God was in the details of the timing. It’s crazy to think all of these “notches” of preparation would not have happened if I were called and left a month or so after high school! And now, a final thought. President Monson gives us this challenge, “take an inventory of your life and look specifically for the blessings, large and small, you have received … and remember, “the Lord’s purposes are often accomplished as we pay heed to the guidance of the Spirit.

I believe that the more we act upon the inspiration and impressions which come to us, the more the Lord will entrust to us His errands.” I have been well taught in this ward. I have a wonderful, large extended family, awesome friends, coaches who also have strong testimonies of the gospel.

s MissionFinally, I testify that much of that joy comes as we recognize that we can communicate with our Heavenly Father through prayer and that those prayers will be heard and answered—perhaps not how and when we expected they would be answered, but they will be answered. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
