100 Words a Day and Making Progress

Week two was super good. How are things?  Everything is pretty much the same here. Crazy how close we are. Everyone freaks out when I say I’m from Provo. I’m finally really appreciate the mountains cause I won’t see them for a while.
View out of my classroom window
Honestly Spanish is really hard. I just keep a positive attitude and pray for help. My district is trying to memorize 100 words a day. I’ve made good progress. I want to be put in Panama already and teach the people. But I guess the next four weeks will be good. Thanks for the Mtn. Dew, it helps me stay awake. We have sooooo much food in our dorm it’s nuts.

Elder Doxey's pocket notebook of "bugger" words to remember
I feel like days keep getting better and the weeks are getting shorter. Time flies! Our zone, district, and my companion get along so well. I feel like I’ve known them for years. We’re all really close. I’m getting kinda of sick of the food but it’s all good.

The Spanish is coming but very slowly, we just have to use what we know. Even if it takes a minute to say a sentence. It can be frustrating at times, just gotta be patient. The spirit is so strong. I’ve started to get a cold but I have doTERRA On Guard so I’m all good. 

Sometimes I just want to be in Panama teaching the people. But I know I still have a long way to go. Four weeks really isn’t that long. So I gotta keep learning.

Thursday our district had service at 6:20 in the morning. I wore shorts like always thinking I’d be fine, they made me go back to the residence and change. I guess I was pretty mad. But rules are rules. The rest of the day was classes. We learned how to teach interested persons and listen to their needs.

Friday was a rough day. While walking to breakfast in the snow I slipped and fell. It was kinda funny. Haha. When we got to breakfast it was almost all gone. The rest of the day was great. we learned when our first TRC was. Her name is Ana. She’s from Colombia and is trying to find the true church. What we had to do is meet her and talk about her interests for five minutes.

I feel like I’ve really memorized the missionary purpose in Spanish. Later that day I watched one of Elder Holland’s talks and Grandpa Call's General Conference talk. I could really feel the spirit and knew Grandpa was with me.

Saturday feels like any other day of the week. I'm soooo glad I don’t have to think about mowing lawns! Good luck John hahah. Food wise, I found out the bagels are the best. I think I ate three and a cup of chocolate milk today. I’m trying to gain lots of weight but haven’t found a scale yet. Saturday consisted of more studying and joking around during breaks.

Sundays are by far my favorite day. We have to wear a suit the whole day but I’ve kinda gotten used to it. Sacrament meeting is great because we get to take the sacrament. Everyone had to have a talk prepared in Spanish, just in case you got called on. So Google translate came in handy. We had a devotional that night given by Mathew Richardson. He talked about being socially aware. Anytime anyone comes to speak at the MTC they really speak their mind and kinda get in your face. It’s super cool. By the way, I haven’t had to play the piano yet and do 150 pushups a day.

E. Max Young & E. Nathan Doxey in the MTC Store
Monday we ate breakfast and had classes until lunch then more classes. I’ve seen Elder Young (Max) a ton since I’ve been here. Super cool to talk to each other. He gave me a tie signed by the family. Super nice of them.

We had gym which is always good. I always play basketball and volleyball. There are some ballers here. I rocked four square, and then made a full court shot and the whole gym starred at me. It was kinda sick I guess.

We had our first TRC and it went really well. Ana brought up her thoughts on the gospel and the Book of Mormon. We have another one today where we begin to actually teach. I don't know how it will go. I think it’ll go well. My birthday was Monday and I got a few packages and emails. Super thankful for you guys. Everyone kept asking if it was my birthday even if they knew.

It was funny,  Tuesday was a devotional my Elder Christofferson. We also sang in for him in the choir. The spirit was really strong. He talked about becoming like Christ. It was super cool that I talked to him at Grandpa Call's funeral. I still think it's amazing what he and Sister Christofferson said about Grandpa Call being the one who "showed him the ropes" as a General Authority in Mexico.  Man I miss Grandpa, but I know he’s still with me.

We went outside for class cause it was warm and read scriptures in Spanish. Wednesday is always P day. We can do whatever we want as long as we follow the rules and go to the temple. Super good to just chill and talk to the family.

It’s hits me every once and a while that I’m actually serving a mission. It’ll really hit me when I get off the plane in Panama. I’m sorry this email is so long! Ha ha. The mission and MTC are such a good experience. Talk to y’all soon

Much love,

Elder Doxey
